Built by the Community,
for the Community

JW House would not exist without generous donations from caring people like you!

Other Ways to Give

Whether you’re an individual, a business, or a Foundation that supports JW House with in-kind donations or cash donations (cash, company matching, a gift of stock, real estate or a planned gift), our JW House families are extremely grateful for your help while they are in a time of crisis.

For more information, please contact (408) 606-8545 or info@jwhouse.org

For Our Belgian Donors

JW’s family is from Belgium

Belgische donors kunnen fiscaal aftrekbaar storten (vanaf €40) op rekening BE10 0000 0000 0404 van de Koning Boudewijnstichting
Brederodestraat 21, B-1000 Brussel. Vermeld a.u.b. *** 623/3620/40081 *** op je overschrijving.

Indien je je gift liever online overmaakt, klik dan hier en volg de richtlijnen. Alvast van harte bedankt voor je steun!